Contact: NOVEC Public Relations, 1-888-335-0500, [email protected]
MANASSAS, Va. –With temperatures plunging near or below zero this week, the Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative offers easy energy-saving ways to stay warm and keep costs down.
"We're expecting customers to use a lot of power to keep their homes, schools, government offices, and businesses warm," says Mike Curtis, NOVEC vice president of Public Relations. "We may set a new record this week for power demand."
Curtis says consumers can save energy and money by using just enough electricity to stay warm and keep some lights, electronics, and appliances on. NOVEC offers these energy-saving ideas and safety tips:
· Set your thermostat at 68 degrees or a little lower. Keep your home warm enough to prevent water pipes from freezing.
· Change your heating system air filter regularly. A dirty filter will make a heating system work harder.
· Only use a space heater in a room occupied with a responsible, alert adult. Space heaters use a tremendous amount of energy and some may be a safety hazard. Keep them away from furniture or curtains to avoid fires. Caution children to stay clear of them. Make sure a heater has a safety switch that will turn the heater off if it turns over.
· Keep window curtains and treatments open during the day to take advantage of the sun's solar energy. Close treatments in the evening to trap heat inside. If necessary, cover windows with old sheets or blankets at night.
· Stuff old towels or blankets next to exterior-door thresholds if you feel cold air seeping in.
· Once a fire in a wood-burning fireplace in out, close glass doors to keep heated air in the house from going up the chimney. If you don't use the fireplace, make sure the flue damper is closed.
· Lower the water-heater temperature to 120 degrees. Take short showers instead of hot baths. Run the dishwasher and clothes washer only when full. Let dishes air dry.
· Use lights only in occupied rooms and turn them off when you leave.
For more energy-saving tips and tools, go to In case of power outages, customers should call NOVEC at 703-335-0500 or1-888-335-0500.