This tab allows you to specify the section, or sections, of your site that the Reporting Group will apply to, along with other properties that control rank tracking.
URL Prefix: A Reporting Group is tied to one or more sections of a site. Here you can specify one or more URLs that point to each section of the site, and the corresponding CommonSpot subsite. Note these need to be fully qualified URL prefixes that CommonSpot can use to match against the search results CommonSpot prompts for a subsite mapping.
For smaller sites you may only have one reporting group so you simply have one corresponding record. For example would point to our root subsite /.
For larger sites, like a university, there may be multiple subsites that make up a Reporting Group. For example if Academic and Admission were under the reporting group it may define two entries
- which points to the /academics subsite, and
- which points to the /admissions subsite
Note, as well, that if your site is one top-level site, but accessed through multiple subdomains your two entries might instead look like this:
- which points to the /academics subsite, and
- which points to the /admissions subsite
It is important that the URL prefixes match what the search engines return, as this prefix URL will be used when inspecting a keyword's search results to determine which reporting group the page falls into.
To add items, enter the fully qualified URL, as shown, and click the Add button. CommonSpot prompts for a subsite mapping if it can’t determine the mapping automatically. Click the delete
icon to remove URLs, or click the subsite search icon
to select another subsite to map.
Also note that a subsite can only be mapped to one reporting group. You cannot have pages in one subsite that are in different reporting groups. By default, all child subsites of a specified subsite are included in the reporting group, unless you define a more specific path
For example if there were two mappings
- /support - maps to Support Reporting group
- /support/knowledgebase – maps KB Reporting Group
All subsites under /support, except /support/knowledgebase and its children, would fall under the Support Reporting Group.
Max Results to Track: Required. Enter the maximum number of search engine results that CommonSpot should query and report on for a given keyword. The default is 100, meaning that CommonSpot will get the top 100 results for each keyword. Enter a positive value between 1 and 999 that is statistically meaningful for your site.
Minimum Days Between Queries: Define how often CommonSpot should query search engines for this keyword reporting group. Defaults to 7days between queries.
Note that depending on the capacity of your search engine API account, it may take one or more days to process all of your keywords. At the time of this writing, the default Google free-tier account allowed 100 queries of 10 results per day. So if you had 30 keywords, for example, and you configured CommonSpot to retrieve the top 100 results, it would take the 3 days to process all the keywords. If you used the default value of 7 days, and the ranking tracking started on a Monday, it would process 10 keywords on Monday, 10 on Tues and 10 on Wednesday. Then it would start again on the following Monday.
- Archive Period: Define how long to keep search ranking history. Defaults to 12 months.
- Minimum Result Position for Score: Getting the same rank result for two different keywords does not bring the same value. A keyword for which you rank first that only gets 100 impressions a month may not be as valuable as ranking fifth for a keyword that gets 2,500 impressions a month. To help you measure keyword effectiveness, CommonSpot calculates a SEO "Score" based upon rank and impressions. This field lets you define the minimum ranking required for a score to be presented. For example, with a value of 10, only keywords for which you ranked in the top 10 result will get a score.